TRU Single Section / Lewis-Glory

3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1064 sq. ft. | 14' 0" x 76' 0"


TruMH – Lewis / Glory This beautiful 3/2 single wide not only has the space you need, but the modern style you are looking for as well. Check out this huge master bedroom, master bathroom with a large tub, large kitchen/dining room area, and spacious living room! Call us or contact us on the web today!

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Bathroom Bathtubs: 54 ABS Plastic Tub
Bathroom Cabinets: MDF
Bathroom Countertops: Formica
Bathroom Faucets: Plastic
Bathroom Flooring: Vinyl
Bathroom Sink: Plastic
Ac Ready: Conduit
Insulation (Ceiling): Zone I: R-11 / Zone II: R-14 / Zone III: R-28
Exterior Wall On Center: 16” O.C
Exterior Wall Studs: 2x4
Floor Decking: 19/32” 4x8 OSB T&G
Insulation (Floors): Zone I: R-11 / Zone II: R-14 / Zone III: R-22
Floor Joists: 2x6 / 19.2” o.c.
Interior Wall On Center: 24” O.C
Interior Wall Studs: 2x3
Roof Load: 20 lb. Roof Load Std., 30 psf optional
Roof Truss: 24” o.c. spacing
Side Wall Height: 7’-0”
Insulation (Walls): Zone I: R-11 / Zone II: R-11 / Zone III: R-11
Front Door: Out swing 34” x 76” blank, no storm
Rear Door: Out swing 32” x 76” blank, no storm
Shingles: 20 year
Siding: Standard Vinyl Siding
Window Type: Metal single glaze, size per prints
Carpet Type Or Grade: Factory Select
Ceiling Texture: Textured
Interior Doors: Factory Select
Vaulted Ceilings: Vault/Flat Ceiling
Window Treatment: Valance on LR windows only. No mini blinds
Window Type: Metal single glaze, size per prints / Thermal Pane Low E Vinyl Windows (available for Thermal Zone 3 only)
Kitchen Backsplash: None
Kitchen Cabinetry: MDF / 24” tall overheads
Kitchen Countertops: Formica
Kitchen Dishwasher: optional
Kitchen Faucets: Plastic
Kitchen Flooring: vinyl
Kitchen Range Hood: 30”, 100 cfm min, vent through sidewall
Kitchen Range Type: Electric
Kitchen Refrigerator: 18 CF
Kitchen Sink: Stainless Steel, dbl bowl
Electrical Service: 200 amp
Furnace: Electric (gas optional)
Thermostat: 8 Wire
Water Heater: 30 gallon electric
Water Shut Off Valves: Main Water Shut Off

All sizes and dimensions are nominal or based on approximate builder measurements. 3D Tours and photos may include dealer and/or factory installed options. Mobile Home Masters reserves the right to make changes due to any changes in material, color, specifications, and features at any time without notice or obligation.

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